Latest Meanings (312)

Definition of thematic axis

Thematic axis is a set of themes that guide the planning of a particular work, working as a support or guide. Defining the thematic axis means limiting the contents covered by...

Definition of Eito

Eito means a specific action or activity where a series of events are in the same direction or line. Eito is the name given to work carried out to clean a plantation, by...

Definition of Axis

Axis is a straight line (imaginary or real) that crosses the center of a body and around which that body performs (or can perform) rotational movements. An example is the terrestrial axis, the line...

meaning of threshing

Eira means piece of land. (from the Latin area). It is paved or cemented land, used on farms to clean, dry and thresh cereals. Eira is a patio attached to the sugar mills, where...

Meaning of Graduate

Egress means that you left, that you went away or that you withdrew from somewhere. It is an adjective that qualifies that individual who no longer belongs to a community. E.g.: He is an egress. Graduate is also...

Definition of Ephemeral

Ephemeral is the same as ephemeral, a Greek term meaning “just for a day”. It refers to something transient, transitory, of short duration. All things that are ephemeral have the characteristic...

meaning of USA

USA (or USA) is an abbreviation that means United States. It is used in the Spanish language to refer to the country whose official name is the United States of America (USA). US is also used...

Definition of Earthquake

Earthquake (or earthquake) is a Latin term “terrae motu” which means “movement of the earth”. An earthquake is a natural phenomenon characterized by a strong earthquake resulting from factors such as...

meaning of sds

Sds is an abbreviation for the word "greetings" and is often found at the end of emails, representing a form of respectful farewell. It is not a conventional abbreviation, and for that very reason...

Meaning of Building

To build up means to raise up; rise; or build something. It is a term from the Latin "aedificare". It is a direct transitive verb and depending on the context it can have different meanings: To build a building, it is in the...

Definition of Ecology

Ecology is a branch of biology that studies the relationships between living beings and the environment in which they live, as well as the influence each one exerts on the other. The word "Ökologie" derives from the junction of...

Meaning of Equalize

To equalize means to standardize, to make equal. It is also a term used in electronics. Equalizing the sound is a technique used to change some parameters that will increase or decrease the intensity...

Definition of Eclectic

Eclectic is one who is in favor of different forms of conduct or opinion, one who enjoys different types of music, food, reading, etc. It is one who is in favor of eclecticism. It is a...

Definition of Eau de Parfum

Eau de Parfum is a type of perfume, with a very strong amount of essence and aromatic oils. Eau de parfum is a French term and characterizes a perfume with a very concentrated essence,...

Definition of Eau de Toilette

Eau de toilette means bath water, it is a term of French origin. Eau de toilette is a type of perfume with a milder concentration, it contains only 5% to 15% of perfume essence, therefore its...

Popular Meanings (307)

meaning of borderA boundary is a physical or artificial line that separates geographical areas an...

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Latest Meanings (307)

meaning of cityCity is a densely populated area where residential, commercial and industrial area...

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Popular Meanings (308)

Meaning of time travelA time travel is a concept that foresees the possibility of moving between ...

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