Latest Meanings (310)

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meaning of chic

Chique is an adjective of two genders originating from the French term chic, which means a beautiful, graceful, stylish, beautiful thing or person. Chic is the opposite of tacky and tacky. Some authors too...

Definition of FYI

FYI is the abbreviation for the English term “For your information”, which in Portuguese means “for your information”. Its use is very common in email messages when the sender...

Definition of Vulnerable

Vulnerable is something or someone who is susceptible to being hurt, offended or touched. Vulnerable means a person who is fragile and incapable of doing something. The term is usually attributed to women, children and...

Definition of Homeostasis

Homeostasis is the body's ability to present a characteristic and constant physicochemical situation, within certain limits, even in the face of changes imposed by the environment. For...

Definition of Pressure

Pressure is a word that means force that is exerted on something. It can also indicate the act of compressing or pressing. It also corresponds to a magnitude in the context of physics. In Physics, the...

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meaning of sensational

Sensacional is a 2-gender adjective originating from the Latin sensatione, which means something relating to sensation. It is also a word used to describe something extraordinary, wonderful,...

meaning of garden

Gardenal is the name of a medicine. Also, it's a word used in a derogatory way, and it means that a person is crazy. Quite popular on social networks like Twitter, gardenal is a term used...

Definition of Corporate Governance

Corporate governance corresponds to the processes, customs, policies, laws and institutions that are used to manage a company. Corporate governance also includes relationships...

Meaning of Empowerment

Empowerment is a Business Administration concept that means "decentralization of powers", that is, it suggests a greater participation of workers in the company's activities when they are given...

meaning of dread

Dread is an English word that in many cases is used as an abbreviation for dreadlocks, which describes a hairstyle characterized by the presentation of long, thin braids. The dreads won...

meaning of saga

Saga is a word that means legend or adventure, and consists of story descriptions of famous characters from a certain culture or religion. The sagas can also be in song form, which...

Meaning of Condolences

Condolence is a masculine plural noun that expresses a feeling of grief, pain and compassion towards a person's death. The expression "my condolences" is often said at funerals for the...

Definition of Quiet

Sossego is a masculine noun that refers to the action of calming down and means calm, rest, peace, quiet, tranquility. The word quiet is related to the verb to settle, which implies to give...

meaning of ebony

Ebony is a dark wood, very heavy and resistant. It is a tree from which wood is extracted, whose scientific name is Diospyros Tesselaria, from the Ebenaceae family. Ebenaceae are trees...

meaning of eminent

Eminent is a two-gender adjective originating from the Latin term eminens which means someone or something excellent, remarkable, that stands out from the rest. An eminent person is someone who stands out...

Latest Meanings (276)

Definition of UnknownIncognita is the feminine noun that indicates something unknown or unknown a...

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Popular Meanings (277)

meaning of papyrusPapyrus is a naturally common plant near rivers in Africa and the Middle East, ...

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Popular Meanings (275)

Definition of AntifaAntifa is the abbreviated term for antifascism, which names a political movem...

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