Meaning of BPC (What it is, Concept and Definition)

BPC means Continuous Social Assistance Benefit, a type of monthly help equivalent to a minimum wage that the INSS (National Social Security Institute) provides to:

  • Seniors aged 65 and over;
  • People with disabilities and unable to work.

In both cases, the beneficiary must prove that the family income is less than a quarter of the current minimum wage.

The BPC is a right of citizens guaranteed in article 203 of the Federal Constitution of 1988 and, as such, access to the benefit does not imply any contribution to Social Security.

The administration of the BPC is under the responsibility of the MDS (Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger) and the financial resources come from the FNAS (National Social Assistance Fund).

To apply for the BPC, the applicant must make an appointment at an INSS branch near the residence or through the internet. On the scheduled date and time, you must submit the following documents:

  • CPF
  • A personal identification document chosen from the following: Identity card, Birth or marriage certificate, Reservist certificate or Work and social security card Social.
  • Assistance Benefit Application Forms and Statement on the Composition of the Group and Family Income (available at INSS branches).

Payment of the benefit is made directly to the beneficiary or their legal representative through the authorized bank.

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