Meaning of CBT (What it is, Concept and Definition)

TCC is the acronym for Completion of course work, a Mandatory academic work and final assessment tool for a higher education course..

It is prepared in the form of a dissertation, aiming at the initiation and involvement of the undergraduate student in the field of scientific research.

In general, approval by the TCC is a criterion for a student to obtain an undergraduate degree. "Course Completion Work" is also a mandatory requirement for other courses that are not undergraduate, such as postgraduate courses, MBA, technical courses, among others.

The elaboration of the TCC varies according to the institution and the course. In general, it is an individual work and in the final year of the course. It can also be done in pairs or in groups. In any case, the guidelines of a responsible teacher must always be followed.

To start TCC, the student must have a theme for the work, which should be chosen based on certain criteria that include: affinity with the theme; relevance to the scientific community and society; existence of sufficient bibliography; innovation, answer to a question/doubt that still persists.

The written work must be delivered by the student in a timely manner, under penalty of being disapproved. The written TCC assessment is carried out by an Examining Board, composed of professors who also assist and evaluate the oral presentation and arguments used by the student to the questions asked. Proof of plagiarism (copy) is considered fraud.


The TCC structure must present specific details for introduction, development, methodology and conclusion. It also follows strict rules for the citation of bibliographic sources that were consulted for the theoretical foundation of the text. In Brazil, the student must follow the rules of the ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards).

Learn more about the meaning of ABNT.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), created by Aaron Beck, is a form of psychotherapy, developed so that patients can interpret their emotions differently and negative thoughts. It aims to promote the change of thought patterns.

See too how to make the methodology for the TCC.

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