Meaning of Equity (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Equity is the feminine noun with Latin origin aequitas, which means equality, symmetry, righteousness, impartiality, conformity.

This concept also reveals the use of impartiality to recognize each one's right, using equivalence to become equal. Equity adapts the rule to a specific case in order to make it fairer.

Greece was considered the cradle of equity because it did not exclude written law, it only made it more democratic, and it also played an important role in Roman law.

Equity in Law

Equity is a fair way of applying the Law, because the rule is adapted to an existing situation, where the criteria of equality and justice are observed. Equity not only interprets the law, it prevents the application of the law from, in some cases, harming some individuals, since all the interpretation of justice must tend towards the just, to the extent possible, supplementing the law by filling the gaps found in the same.

The use of equity has to be arranged according to the express content of the norm, taking into account the current social morality, the political regime of the State and the general principles of Law. Equity in short, completes what justice does not achieve, making the application of laws not become too rigid where it could harm some specific cases where the law does not reach.

Equity in SUS

Equity is one of the fundamental doctrines that constitute the SUS. This means that all citizens have the right to enjoy the healthcare system.

Although everyone has access to care provided by the health system, equity contemplates the reality that places and people Different people have different needs, so different solutions and efforts must be made according to the context in question.

Roman law

Equity played a fundamental role in the development of Roman Law, which was characterized by formalism, orality and rigidity, applying arithmetical equality and not equity. It did not extend to everyone who lived in the Empire, creating a mass of outcasts who could not resort to justice.

However, with the invasion of Greece by the Romans, there was a syncretization between the two cultures and, with that, beyond the introduction of a written law, Greek philosophy influenced the breaking of the rigidity of Law, through the principle of equity.


Iniquity is a grave injustice, or a sin. The term is generally used to designate the transgression of the Law, the lack of justice, the unequal treatment of individuals. It is also possible to see the word in the Bible, in several passages, and other religions besides the Christian use the term.

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