Left and right are two different political ideologies. In general, we can say that the left has more revolutionary principles and the right has more conservative principles.
The terms "right" and "left" emerged as political designations in eighteenth-century French assemblies during the second period of the French Revolution (1789-1799).
In the assembly for the creation of the new Constitution, the king's supporters did not want to be on the left side, close to those who were poorer and in favor of the revolution. Thus, they chose to sit on the right side. Since then, the left has been associated with the idea of fighting for the rights of the people and workers while the right was associated with the more traditional and conservative who want to maintain the power of the elite.
Differences between left and right
The main differences between left and right are based on what each of these ideologies stands for:
- Left: defends the rights of workers and minorities, collective well-being and equality between individuals.
- Right: is in favor of a more traditional and conservative view that defends elite power and individual well-being.
Individuals who defend the current government, for example, are considered “on the right”, and those who oppose the regime, are considered “on the left”.
Left and right in Brazilian politics
The landmark of the division of ideologies in Brazil took place during the military dictatorship.
During this period, those who supported the military coup were considered “rightists” or “rightists” because they were in favor of the current regime. Those who opposed the regime were considered “Left” or “Left”.
Currently, the main left and right parties in Brazil they are:
- left parties: PSB, PSOL, PT and PCdoB
- right parties: PP, DEM, PR and PSC
See more about left and right.
Political spectrum: diversity of political ideas
For many scholars, the concepts of right and left are considered too limited to define political diversity, as they are no longer unique and absolute concepts.
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, there has been a much greater diversity of political ideas. It is even possible that some individuals may agree in part with leftist ideas and in part with rightist ideas.
Learn more about Berlin Wall.
This diversity is subdivided into a political spectrum, whose poles are the far left and the far right:
Far left > Left > Center left > Center > Center right > Right > Far right
Nolan's diagram: identifying political views
The Nolan Diagram, also known as the Nolan Chart, is a political diagram popularized by American political activist David Fraser Nolan.
Nolan's diagram
This diagram is designed to be used in a test whose objective is to define the political position of whoever is taking the test.
Learn more about Nolan's diagram.
Fascism: Right or Left?
Fascism is an authoritarian political regime that emerged in Italy. It is a concept that opposes the democratic movement that arose with the French Revolution and the ideas of communism and socialism.
Its first expressions took place at the time of World War II and combined some elements from the right with elements from the left.
There is no consensus among historians regarding the categorization of fascism in relation to the political spectrum.
Despite being commonly categorized as far-right due to its opposition to socialism, fascism is also very popular. sometimes considered leftist for opposing liberalism and defending collective interests at the expense of interests individual.
know more about fascism and antifa (anti-fascism).