End 2017: more than 1.5 million applicants will take the tests

The Ministry of Education (MEC) released the balance of registrations for the National Examination for Certification of Youth and Adult Skills (Encceja) at a press conference held this Tuesday, 29th August. The tests will be applied to 1,573,862 entries.

Understand Encceja

Know what to study to get the Encceja certificate

Of the 1,573,862 enrollments in Encceja, 301,583 were for elementary school certification and 1,272,279 for high school. The exam will be applied on October 22, in 564 Brazilian cities.

Participant Profile

People aged between 31 and 40 are predominant among Encceja's subscribers for primary education, totaling 71,638 of the 301,583 participants. Women are the majority and, in relation to color/ethnicity, the largest number is self-declared brown.

For high school, the predominance is also female, as well as the greatest demand comes from self-declared browns. The largest number of applicants is between the ages of 23 and 30, representing 387,697 of the 1,272,279 participants.

In relation to the states, São Paulo predominates in enrollments at both levels (primary and secondary), with 233,056 for secondary education and 50,487 for primary. Also noteworthy are Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul and Rio de Janeiro.

The Encceja

Encceja Nacional 2017 is the return of high school certification through the exam, since between 2009 and 2016 this certificate was awarded based on the grades of the National High School Exam (Enem).

The tests will be applied on October 22nd. The MEC created specific material for studies in elementary and secondary education, which can be accessed free of charge.

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The Encceja of elementary school will consist of 30 questions about Natural Sciences, History and Geography in the period of morning, and another 30 questions in the afternoon about Portuguese, Modern Foreign Language, Arts, Physical Education, Math.

The high school Encceja will have 30 questions on Natural Sciences and its Technologies and Human Sciences and its Technologies, applied in the morning, plus 30 on Languages ​​and Codes and their Technologies and Mathematics and their Technologies during in the afternoon.

In addition, all participants, regardless of level, will write in the afternoon. The textual production will be worth from 0 to 10, being necessary to obtain an average of 5 points for certification.

In the case of objective tests, it is possible to obtain up to 200 points in each test. To get the certificate, the candidate must reach 100 points in each area.

If the participant scores only in one or more areas, he can request the declaration of proficiency in such subjects so that it is not necessary to do them again in the next Complete.

Participants who achieve the necessary score for certification will have to contact the Department of Education or partner institutions to request the document.

deprived of liberty

Encceja applications for Privados de Liberdade continue until September 8th. The registration of participants is done by the pedagogical responsible for the prison or socio-educational unit. The tests will be applied in the places where the registered ones are serving their sentences of imprisonment or internment.

More information at Encceja article in Brasil Escola or not exam website.

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