Best friend is a term commonly used among women to designate a friend with whom one has more trust and special affection. Usually, the best friend is the one you have a...
Hanging is the condition of what is hanging or raised. But, it can also mean something that hasn't been finished yet, that is suspended or prone. In Portuguese, pending can be...
Homiletics is considered the art of preaching, that is, using the principles of rhetoric for the specific purpose of talking about the content of the Christian Holy Bible. Etymologically, homiletic if...
"Tsk, tsk, tsc" is an onomatopoeia, that is, the written reproduction of a noise that people usually make with their mouths in an act of disapproval. This expression is often accompanied by...
Polyglot is the term given to individuals who can master four or more languages. Etymologically, the word polyglot originated from the Greek polúglōttos, and has a translation...
WO is the acronym for the English word walkover, which translated into Portuguese means “easy victory”. This term is quite famous for being used in the sports world. The WO is the...
Minimalist is something or someone adept at what is simple and elementary, considered a lifestyle for individuals who seek the least possible means and resources to live. However, this term...
Notice is a written act in which determinations, notices, citations and other official notices are presented. Normally, notices are posted in public places or announced through...
Wireless is an English term that means “wireless network” in Portuguese. This term is used to designate a computer network without the need to use cables,...
Denied is the characteristic of something that was not allowed, that was not granted, that is, something denied. This term is quite common in the legal field, and can describe the act of the court or judge that...
Hair stylist is an English term that means “hair stylist”, in the literal translation for the Portuguese language. The hair stylist is a professional trained to advise on trends in...
Rebel is an adjective to describe someone who does not obey anyone or listen to advice, who believes he has legitimate authority. It can also be used to qualify a person who...
Truste is the result of capitalism that forms an oligopoly, which leads to the merger and incorporation of companies involved in the same sector of activities to give up their legal independence to...
The Orthodox Church is a Christian church, considered, with a doctrine similar to that of the Catholic Church, but as the term itself says, it has a more upright, more rigid doctrine. Orthodoxy is the current...
Utopian is a term related to utopia, that is, when a certain idea or thought is idealistic; fanciful; almost impossible to accomplish. Utopian can also be an idea of ideal civilization,...