Popular Meanings (18)

Meaning of Phoneme

Phoneme is the smallest sound unit of a language's phonological system. Phonology is the discipline that studies each of the voice sounds. Each phoneme has the function of establishing a difference in meaning...

Definition of Autarchy

Autarchy means absolute power. It is the type of government in which one person or a group of people concentrate power over a nation. Autarchy is when the State has full autonomy over itself, it is...

Definition of Epigraph

Epigraph is a title or phrase that serves as a theme or introduction to a subject. The term comes from the Greek "epigrafhé" which means "inscription", "title". In a literary work, an epigraph is a...

Definition of Ontology

Ontology is the branch of philosophy that studies the nature of being, existence and reality itself. Ontology is classified in philosophy as the general branch of metaphysics (different from cosmology,...

meaning of promiscuity

Promiscuity is the characteristic of what is promiscuous, which gets mixed up in a disorderly way. It's a confusing coexistence between people. Promiscuity identifies what has no order, what is wanton or...

Definition of Epiphany

Epiphany means the apparition or manifestation of something, usually related to the spiritual and divine context. From a philosophical point of view, the epiphany means a deep sense of accomplishment,...

meaning of hipster

Hipster is an English word used to describe a group of people with their own style and who habitually invent fashion, setting new alternative trends. The term derives from “hip”, a...

meaning of ubuntu

Ubuntu is the name of an operating system built from the Linux kernel (Linux Kernel). It is an open source system based on free software standards. This term also refers to a...

5 Signs You Are Going Through an Existential Crisis

Existential crises are phases of deep reflection, marked mainly by personal conflict and that can arise at any time in life. In other words, existential crisis is natural to being...

Definition of Att

Att is an abbreviation of the English word "attention", which in Portuguese means "attention". Corresponds to the abbreviation "A/C" (be careful) that is written on documents or orders whose...

Meaning of Downstream and Upstream

Downstream and upstream are reference places of a river as seen by an observer. Downstream is the normal flow of water from a higher point to a lower point. Upstream is the direction of a point plus...

meaning of verb

Verb is a word originating from the Latin term "verbum", which means "word". In the Grammar of the Portuguese Language, designates the class of words that indicate action, a situation or change of...

Definition of Femicide

Femicide means the persecution and intentional killing of females, classified as a heinous crime in Brazil. Femicide takes place when the causes of murder are proven,...

meaning of feudalism

Feudalism was a mode of social, political and cultural organization based on the serfdom regime, where the rural worker was the servant of the great landowner, the feudal lord. Feudalism...

Hashtag (#)

Hashtag is a very common expression among users of social networks on the internet. It consists of a keyword preceded by the symbol #, popularly known in Brazil as "jogo da Velha" or...

Latest Meanings (180)

meaning of rapportRapport is a concept in the field of psychology which means a technique used to...

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Popular Meanings (184)

Definition of ZenithZenith is a reference point for observing the sky, a concept used in the natu...

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Latest Meanings (182)

Meaning of ResignationResignation is the same as acceptance, a condition of being submissive to a...

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