Meaning of Sense (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Sense it's the reasoning, to appreciate and judge. To have sense is to have a clear judgment, an understanding, is to have prudence, discernment.

Senso is a masculine noun, from Latin sense, which means wisdom, tact, attention. sensible it is an adjective that characterizes one who has good sense, who uses reason, who acts thoughtfully.

Although little used, sense also means direction, direction, direction.

The word sense has a very broad concept, and it can have several meanings, depending on the context where it is used:

Common sense - is the way of thinking of most people, are notions commonly accepted by individuals;

Critical sense - is the ability to question and analyze rationally and intelligently;

aesthetic sense - is the ability to appreciate and judge what is beautiful;

Moral sense - is the awareness of good and evil;

Sense of humor - is knowing how to laugh or make jokes at the right time about the right reasons;

Common sense - is the ability to reason and discern the application of perfect reason to judge each particular case of life.

Census, written with the letter c, means the set of statistical data of the inhabitants of a city, state, country, etc., with all their characteristics.

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