Extinction Meaning (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Extinction means the extinguishing effect and is directly related to the biology and ecology. extinction is the death, O total disappearance of different species, like animals, plants, and can occur for a variety of causes, some unavoidable and others with a specific cause.

Extinction is a normal part of an evolutionary process, for example when dinosaurs disappeared from Earth, the so-called mass extinction. There are also some events that can cause extinction, such as eruptions, sudden climate changes, and Currently, human activity has been one of the most harmful factors in the extinction of animals and plants.

The times with the highest number of extinctions were the transition from Paleozoic to Mesozoic (trilobites, graptolites, many echinoderms, cystoids and primitive corals) and the transition from the Mesozoic to the Cenozoic (ammonites, belemnites, dinosaurs, pterosaurs, ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs).

The slow transformation of one animal species into another (eg the equine series) is not considered extinction.

Causes of extinction

The main causes of species extinction include habitat destruction, pollution, predators, and then the species are, initially threatened or endangered, until they reach the extinction.

Extinction can be caused by an insufficient ability to adapt to different environmental conditions (climatological variations, displacement by competitors in food, annihilation by other organisms or by the men).

Endangered species

There are several animals that are in danger of extinction, such as the maned wolf, the jaguar, the American eagle, the golden lion tamarin, the Amazon turtle, the blue macaw, and many others. Some animals that have gone extinct are the scarlet macaw, Arabian ostrich, Tasmanian wolf, Persian tiger, and many others.

Extinct Plants

Some plants are also at risk of extinction, such as andiroba, cedar, mahogany, pau-brasil, jacaranda, some of these widely used for the manufacture of furniture, which contributed to the extinction of species.

Extinction of Punishment

In the legal context, the extinction of punishability indicates a situation in which the possibility of punishing a certain unlawful or illegal act ceases to exist.

The causes that justify the extinction of punishment are listed in article 107 of the Brazilian Penal Code.

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