Latest Meanings (257)

Definition of floodplain

Várzea is a feminine noun used to describe a plain or flat land, in an extensive and cultivated valley. In Brazil, the floodplains are known for being arable land next to the rivers...

meaning of brotherhood

Brotherhood is a feminine noun that defines, among other meanings, the kinship relationship between siblings. The word brotherhood is also strongly related to the concept of brotherhood, or...

meaning of business

Business is a word in the English language that translated into Portuguese can mean "commerce" or "business". The word business can be related to a particular company, or more...

Definition of Junk Mail

Electronic waste is any type of material produced from the disposal of equipment electronics, such as electronics (computers, cell phones, tablets, etc.) and home appliances (refrigerators,...

Definition of Sneakers

Sneakers is an English word used to designate a type of athletic shoe; a casual sneaker, often used for sports. Another definition given to the word sneaker in the English language...

Definition of club

Clava is the name given to a genus of weapon consisting of a stick that is thicker at one end. It can also be called a mace or a club. This blunt offensive weapon began to be...

Definition of Dogmatic

Dogmatic is an adjective that qualifies someone or something as a follower of a dogma; dogmatism. That is, an individual who accepts a certain thing as an absolute truth and does not make room for discussions. THE...

Definition of Daytime

Daytime is an adjective that defines the events or activities carried out within a 24-hour period; diurnal. The term diurnal is also used to designate what happens during the day, that is,...

meaning of sushi

Sushi is a delicacy of Japanese origin, characterized by being made from seasoned rice, wrapped in raw fish or fresh seafood, vegetables, fruits, eggs and seaweed. Etymologically, the word sushi comes from...

meaning of parable

Parable is a short narrative that uses allegories to convey a moral lesson. Parables are very common in oriental literature and consist of stories that intend to bring some teaching of...

Definition of Ziklag

Ziklag is a word in Hebrew, it is the name of an ancient city in Israel. Ziklag was a city belonging to the tribe of Judah, present-day Israel, but it was ceded to the tribe of Simeon. Ziklag has been subdued...

meaning of common good

Common good is an expression that has concepts in many areas of human knowledge, but that are similar to each other. Generally speaking, it defines the benefits that can be shared by several people,...

Definition of Phenomenology

Phenomenology is the study of a set of phenomena and how they manifest themselves, whether through time or space. It is a subject that consists in studying the essence of things and how they are perceived in the world...

Definition of Emblematic

Emblemático is an adjective in the Portuguese language used to refer or correspond to the emblem: emblematic status of the monarchy. Emblematic is also what has property or particularity...

meaning of futility

Futility is a feminine noun in the Portuguese language that characterizes or particularizes a futile individual; character of what is futile, that is, one that gives importance to what is superficial and...

Latest Meanings (71)

Black PlagueThe Black Death is a disease transmitted by bacteria. It was a pandemic in part of Eu...

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Latest Meanings (72)

civil lawCivil Law, also called the Roman-Germanic system, is a legal system that has the law as ...

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Popular Meanings (71)

Definition of AmortizationAmortization is a process that extinguishes debts through periodic paym...

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