Popular Meanings (190)

meaning of silhouette

Silhouette is a feminine noun that means profile, outline, or indicates a side view of someone. In a broader sense, it can be the outline of an object, or the general shape of something...

meaning of frenzy

Frenzy is a masculine noun, from the Latin frenzy which means delusional enthusiasm. In French, frénésie is a feminine noun that means madness, unreasonable excitement. In English, frenzy,...

Meaning of urban violence

Urban violence is the set of actions that violate the law and public order in urban centers and metropolises. Murders and assaults are some of the main forms of violence that are more...

Definition of administrative misconduct

Administrative Impropriety is an illegal act practiced within the Public Administration, when a public agent acts in a dishonest and disloyal way in the performance of his public functions. THE...

meaning of Taoism

Taoism is a religion and philosophy part of the ancient Chinese tradition. It follows the search for the tao, a concept that is equivalent to a path or course and represents the cosmic force that creates the universe and all...

meaning of OEM

OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer, or “Original Equipment Manufacturer”, in Portuguese. OEM are products made especially for large companies, they are not intended for...

meaning of king size

King size is an English expression that means king size, an object or product with a large size. In Brazil, king size is often translated as "family size". King size is an expression...

meaning of cabal

Cabal is a 2-gender adjective that means complete, perfect, or satisfying. As for etymology, the word cabal is formed by cabo + al and derives from the Latin term capulum, which designated a string...

Definition of DIY

Bricolage is a term originating from the French "bricòláge" whose meaning refers to the execution of small domestic tasks, without the need to resort to the services of a professional. Works...

Meaning of the deductive method

Deductive method is an information analysis process that uses logical reasoning and deduction to reach a conclusion about a given subject. In this process, the reasoning...

meaning of monastery

Monastery is a sumptuous building, where members of religious orders live in community. Monastery was the place where the monks retired from the mundane life and lived as hermits, in a regime of...

meaning of coercion

Coercion corresponds to repression. The act or effect of repressing something or someone is called a coercive act. The expression can also mean the act of pressuring, obliging or inducing someone to...

Definition of Epidermis

The epidermis is the most superficial layer of skin, located above the dermis, which acts as a protective barrier for the body. The word epidermis comes from the Greek terms Epi = over, above, and Derma =...

Meaning of Equivalent

Equivalent is an adjective of two genders derived from the French " équivalent " and expresses something that has equal value, or that has the same meaning. The equivalent word, when used to describe some...

Signatory meaning

Signatory is the condition of an individual able to sign a document, thus subscribing to the content of its content. A legal entity or a nation can also be signatories. When you say that...

Latest Meanings (217)

Definition of ConstipationConstipation or constipation is the delay in bowel rhythms and fecal ex...

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Latest Meanings (218)

meaning of myriadMyriad is the name given to a Greek numeral that is equivalent to the value of t...

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Latest Meanings (219)

Meaning of Tertiary ColorsTertiary colors are formed by combining a primary color with a secondar...

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