Latest Meanings (189)

meaning of excellent

Excellent is an adjective that qualifies something that is very good and of great quality. The word excellent is used to express the high level of pleasantness of something. Example: “You are an excellent...

meaning of interest

Interest is something that has an advantage, which can be considered useful or relevant. When it comes to prioritizing interests, it is because you should put first what matters most and be more...

meaning of mucama

Mucama was the name given to the black servant (or slave) who provided domestic services for their masters. They used to be young and beautiful and, in some cases, they also served as a wet nurse for the children of...

Meaning of Post

Posting is the act of posting, sending or putting something in the mail for it to be shipped to a certain destination. In the context of online media, the term post is used as a synonym for...

Meaning of Blessed

Blessed is a word in the English language and literally means “blessed / blessed” in the Portuguese translation. Among other translations that can be associated with the term blessed are:...

Definition of Urban Hierarchy

Urban hierarchy is a form of organization between cities, where large urban centers have an influence on medium and small cities. This hierarchy is formed...

meaning of good vibes

Good vibes means good vibes. It's an English slang that is also widely used in Brazil. I mean those good feelings, pleasant sensations that you find somewhere or go from...

Definition of Legal Order

Legal order is the set of norms of a state expressed in law. It is a normative system, which establishes an order in which the law must respect the laws and norms established in...

Meaning of Provisional Measure

The provisional measure is an instrument of the presidency of the republic with the force of law and effective immediately after being published by the president. Known by the acronym MP, it should only be used in character...

meaning of public law

Public Law is the set of rules that discipline the interests of the State, either internally or in relation to private interests. It is the legal system of public nature and character...

Definition of tax domicile

The tax domicile is the address of a person or company registered with the competent bodies with regard to tax collection. The expression "tax domicile" comes from the union of the word...

Meaning of Mitigating Circumstances

Mitigating circumstances are the causes of reduced sentence for a crime, such as the fact that the defendant is under 21, for example. They are provided for in Article 65 of the Penal Code (CP). See also the...

Definition of organizational structure

Organizational structure is a concept in the area of ​​business administration and management. It deals with the way the company is organized around the division of activities and resources in order to fulfill the...

Definition of evidentiary extension

The evidentiary delay occurs when the judge grants an increase in the period for the evidence of the case to be produced. It is a legal term especially used by Civil Procedural Law. Dilation...

Meaning of Cardinal Points

Cardinal points are the four main bearings for indicating direction, related to the position of the Sun: North, East, South and West. They are called cardinals because they are the main indications of...

Portuguese Language (19)

meaning of proPro is in Portuguese the contraction of the preposition “para” and the masculine de...

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Lana Magalhães (Professor of Biology)

Teacher, researcher and producer of educational content. Passionate about Biology, Degree in Biol...

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Popular Meanings (18)

Meaning of PhonemePhoneme is the smallest sound unit of a language's phonological system. Phonolo...

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