Non-verbal communication encompasses the use of body language, when the individual is able to express using your body, through facial expressions, body postures, physical distances and gestures which are of an unconscious character to the communicator.
This type of communication is characterized by being done through the absence of speech or writing resources, types of verbal communication.
Non-verbal communication is also understood to mean all types of textual symbology, such as signs, gestures, appearances, colors, drawings, among other images that act as transmitters of information, emotions and sensations.
Example: road signs and signs.
Learn more about the meaning of body language.
Normally, verbal communication (mainly through speech) is linked to non-verbal communication.
For example, when someone is narrating a story (verbal language), they unconsciously perform body, facial and sound variations that help transmit not only the narrative information to the interlocutor, but also the emotions and sensations.
Types of non-verbal communication
Studies referring to non-verbal communication are divided into four main fields:
- proxemics: is related to the space and environment that the individual uses around them to communicate;
- Physical appearance: this is the impact that the physical characteristics of the communicator can have on the receiver, that is, the “first impressions”;
- Paralanguage: is related to sound characteristics and how these can influence the meanings of a speech, for example. Intensity, volume, speed, pauses, are some examples;
- Kinesics: deals with the movements performed by the body, highlighting facial expressions, gestures and their meanings according to the culture and context of a society, for example;
verbal communication
It is all communication made through a spoken or written language, a predominant and exclusive characteristic of human beings.
Verbal communication is one of the most important ways to objectively transmit information and knowledge between people.
See also:
- meaning of communication
- Communication Elements
- Types of Language: Verbal, Nonverbal and Mixed