Meaning of Gradually (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Gradually is an adverb that characterizes something that is done with a certain time progression, that is, it is produced little by little.

It is possible to understand the meaning of gradually when, for example, a couple plans their wedding party well in advance. In this case, everything is thought out and being produced slowly, until the date approaches. In other words, planning takes place gradually.

When a certain situation occurs gradually, it does not mean that this is good or bad. In some processes, such as planning something, such as a wedding party, for example, this time is necessary for everything to be done in the best possible way.

Synonyms of gradually

The term comes from Latin paulatinu which means “successfully” and can be replaced by synonyms such as gradually, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, among others.

We can also refer to the term by using words that represent its antonym, such as quickly, lightly, hastily, fast, etc.

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