Meaning of Misfortune (What it is, Concept and Definition)

misfortune is the same as disgrace and bad luck, characterizing a state or situation that is tragic and unhappy.

This term is also often used to refer to what has a funereal or disastrous nature. By the way, when it is said that a misfortune occurred, it means that there was some very bad, sad event that caused suffering.

Example: "We've faced a lot of misfortunes in the last few months, but now we're doing fine."

Etymologically, the word "misfortune" originated from the Latin misfortune, which can be translated as "disgrace".

Learn more about the meaning of dismal.

Synonyms of misfortune

Among the main synonyms of misfortune, we highlight: unhappiness; adversity; misadventure; tragedy; misfortune; pity; setback; problem; difficulty; tribulation; disgust; disaster; catastrophe; calamity; Suffering; disgrace and scourge.

Some of the main antonyms of misfortune are: fortune; luck; success; bliss; gift; miracle; success; happiness; and chance.

See also the meaning of Adversity.

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