Latest Meanings (218)

meaning of myriad

Myriad is the name given to a Greek numeral that is equivalent to the value of ten thousand. In Portuguese, however, the word myriad is also used figuratively to represent a...

meaning of please

Please is an adverbial phrase in Portuguese, and is an expression used to connote kindness, courtesy, delicacy and respect. The correct way to write this expression is please...

meaning of carrion

Carrion is the name given to the body of an animal in a state of decay. The corpse of a decaying animal is considered a "delicacy" for some carnivorous and omnivorous animals, such as vultures and...

meaning of your lordship

Your landlord is a formal treatment pronoun used in Portuguese to refer to authorities in general. Normally, "your landlady" is often used in formal communications,...

Meaning of Treatment Pronouns

Treatment pronouns are used as alternatives to personal pronouns in more technical and formal languages. Also known as axionyms, treatment pronouns are often used in...

meaning of origin

Oriundo is an adjective used in Portuguese to qualify something as originating from a certain place. From the Latin oriundus, this term can be applied as a synonym for originating, proceeding or...

Meaning of Fiduciary Sale

Fiduciary Sale is a model for guaranteeing properties, movable or immovable property, which is based on transfer of assets as payment of a debt, based on an agreement between the creditor and O...

Definition of Par-q

Par-q is the name given to the questionnaire that must be applied to the individual before he starts to practice regular physical activities. The main objective of par-q is to identify possible limitations and...

Definition of Repressed

Repressed is the individual who has repression, a term popularly used as a synonym for jealous person and who represses the wishes and happiness of others. When it is said that a person is repressed, it means...

Definition of Repression

Repression, also known as repression, is the act or effect of repressing, dominating, concentrating, repressing aspirations, desires, instincts. The term repression has been used a lot on the internet. One...

Definition of Review

A critical review is a type of informative and interpretive summary about a certain subject, whether it is a literary, cinematographic, musical, etc. work. The main feature of this genre of review is the...

Definition of Triplex

Triplex is relative to what is multiplied by three, that is, triple. Typically, this term is used to refer to a three-story apartment or house. Usually a triplex apartment (or...

Definition of Duplex

Duplex means double or double, a term commonly used to refer to an apartment or house that has two floors, connected by a staircase built inside. Just as there are...

Meaning of the phrase Man is the wolf of man

Man is man's wolf is a phrase made famous by the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes which means that man is man's own greatest enemy. This statement presents the transfiguration of...

Definition of Off

Off is an English term whose meaning is “off” or “out”, in the literal translation into Portuguese. It is a universal term often used in electronic devices to indicate whether they are turned on...

Popular Meanings (340)

Digital EntrepreneurshipDigital entrepreneurship is the initiative to create an internet business...

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Popular Meanings (341)

Understand the difference between cisgender and transgenderCisgender (or simply cis) is the term ...

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Latest Meanings (340)

Definition of Waist GameFlexibility means having the flexibility to face something, getting out o...

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