Juliana Bezerra (History Teacher)

Bachelor's and Degree in History from the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC-RJ), in 2001 and Specialist in International Relations from the University Center La Salle in Rio de Janeiro (Unilasalle-RJ), in 2010. Master in History of Latin America and European Union from the University of Alcalá, Spain, in 2012.

Professor of History in elementary school and of Religions and History of Religion at Instituto Estrela da Evangelização, Niterói (RJ).
Her second passion is music and she studied piano and music theory at the Conservatório de Música de Niterói (CMN). Since 2017, she has been working as a writer for educational content on the Toda Matéria website.

Production Modes

Modes of production refer to the way in which human beings collectively produce their livelihoods and associate themselves economically in society. A production mode is based on...

net modernity

It is the term coined by the Polish philosopher Zygmunt Bauman to define today's society. It analyzes and defines the fast and fluid relationships and behaviors of the contemporary world, impacted by...

Imperialism and Neocolonialism

Imperialism, also known as neocolonialism, was the policy of expansion of power and domination by one state over others in the 19th/20th centuries. Imperialism is called a set of actions...

Helen of Troy

In Greek mythology, Helen of Troy was called the most beautiful woman in the world. Daughter of the god Zeus with the mortal Leda, she was known for playing an important role in the Trojan War, a story...

Popular Meanings (10)

meaning of virtueVirtue is a moral quality, a positive attribute of an individual. Virtue is an i...

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Philosophy and Sociology (8)

Definition of Utopian SocialismUtopian socialism was a current of thought established by Robert O...

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Philosophy and Sociology (2)

Definition of EudaimoniaIn Greek philosophy, Eudaimonia means to achieve the best possible condit...

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