Popular Meanings (13)

Meaning of Language Figures

Figures of speech are resources used in speech or writing to make the transmitted message more expressive. It is very important to know how to identify the different figures of speech, because this way it is...

Meaning of Hardware

Hardware is the physical part of a computer, it is made up of electronic components, such as example, wire and light circuits, plates, utensils, chains, and any other material in good condition. physicist,...

Meaning of Not Yet

However, it is a conjunctive phrase whose meaning refers to a situation of opposition to another presented idea, but which does not prevent its implementation. It is synonymous with " despite ", "...

meaning of humility

Humility is the quality of those who act with simplicity, a characteristic of people who know how to assume their responsibilities, without arrogance, arrogance or arrogance. In theory, humility is supposed to be...

Meaning of the Color Blue

The blue color means tranquility, serenity, harmony and spirituality, but it is also associated with coldness, monotony and depression. Symbolizes water, sky and infinity. It's a cool color, considered to be...

Definition of Utopia

Utopia is the idea of ​​an ideal, fantastic, and imaginary civilization. It is a system or plan that seems unrealizable, it is a fantasy, a daydream, an illusion, a dream. From the Greek “ou+topos” which means...

Definition of Bipolar

Bipolar is one that has two opposite poles, that is, two points that have opposite characteristics. Bipolar is also the name given to a person with contradictory behavior, since at times...

Definition of Demagoguery

Demagoguery is a term of Greek origin that means "art or power to lead the people". It is a form of political action in which there is a clear interest in manipulating or pleasing the popular mass, including...

meaning of DNA

DNA or DNA in Portuguese, is the acronym for deoxyribonucleic acid, which is an organic compound whose molecules contain the genetic instructions that coordinate the development and functioning of everyone...

meaning of GDP

GDP is the acronym for Gross Domestic Product, and represents the sum, in monetary values, of all final goods and services produced in a given region, during a given period. The GDP is one of the...

Definition of Equity

Equity is the feminine noun originating from the Latin aequitas, which means equality, symmetry, rectitude, impartiality, conformity. This concept also reveals the use of impartiality to recognize the...

Meaning of Introduction

Introduction means the beginning or the beginning. It is the act or effect of introducing. It is a brief text that precedes a written work, and that serves to introduce it to the reader, it is the preface to the work. When if...

Definition of Skeptic

Skeptic is an adjective that serves to characterize an individual who is a supporter of skepticism. A skeptic is a person who does not believe, who doubts or presents himself as an unbeliever and unbeliever. The skeptic is...

Definition of Gap

Gap is an English word that means gap, gap or gap. The word is also used with the meaning of difference. According to economics, gap is the difference between real value and value...

meaning of liberalism

Liberalism is a political-economic doctrine and doctrinal system that is characterized by its attitude of openness and tolerance at various levels. According to this doctrine, the general interest requires the...

Popular Meanings (247)

Definition of SmoothnessSmoothness is the feminine noun that indicates the quality of what is smo...

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Latest Meanings (247)

Definition of UnderemploymentUnderemployment is a condition in which a certain job is performed w...

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Popular Meanings (246)

Definition of ZincZinc is a metallic chemical element that in its pure state has a bluish-white c...

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