Meaning of Vade Mecum (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Vade Mecum is a Latin expression meaning "go with me". It is the name given to a reference book, widely used in the field of legal sciences, but which also exists in other areas.

The name Vade mecum (meaning "go with me") is given because it is a book or manual of practical use, which readers can refer to to clarify doubts.

In the legal sciences, the vade mecum is essential to consult the basic works, such as the Federal Constitution, Code of Labor Laws and others. The vade mecum can be either generic, bringing several codes and general laws, or it can be specialized in a specific area of ​​Law, which can be consulted in various types of media, such as cell phones, computers and etc.

With the support of technology, in addition to being found in most bookstores, it is also possible to access and consult vade mecum through modern cell phones, which makes it easy for students and other professionals who use the constructions.

The health area also has a Vade Mecum, but it is more focused on the Pharmacy area, which has the

Vade Mecum of medications, which is a list of all types of medications, and can be used by doctors, dentists, and other healthcare professionals.

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