Meaning of Status Quo (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Status quo or status quo is a Latin expression that means "current state".

O status quo it is related to the state of facts, situations and things, regardless of the moment. The term status quo it is usually accompanied by other words like maintain, defend, change and so on.

In this sense, when it is said that "we must maintain the status quo", means that the intention is to maintain the current scenario, situation or condition, for example.

On the other hand, when it says that “we must change the status quo”, means the current state must be changed.

Another examples: "Considering the status quo", means considering the current situation.

status quo, as said, is the position or condition of things, and does not necessarily mean that they are negative or bad situations. This is interpreted as a neutral term, which can have any meaning, be it positive or negative.

The initial concept of status quo originates from the Latin diplomatic expression "in status quo res erant ante bellum", which can be translated as “as things were before the war”.

This expression was used in the sense of recovering the situation of power and leadership that existed before a war.

used status quo also to simplify a conversation, as a summary of the different elements.

In the legal field, the use of the expression status quo ante, in the sense of returning to a situation that was present before a certain court decision, for example.

See also the meaning of status.

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