alumni is a term in latin and means "former students". Typically, this word is used to refer to graduates or bachelors in a particular higher education course at the university.
in latin, alumni and the pluralized form of alumnus("former student" or "former student"). The female version of alumni, however, is alumnae (former students), and the singular would be student (former student). But currently, the alumni to refer to both male and female alumni.
Originally, the Latin word alumnus it had the meaning of “son who is given to the care of another”, that is, a pupil. This term is derived from the verb cheer, which literally means “to care for” or “to feed”. Thus, from a “romantic” interpretation of this Latin word, alumnus it would be the individual who is “fed with knowledge”.
See also: meaning of Bachelor.
In some European countries and the United States, for example, it is common to form associations and entities that promote the unification of alumni (former students) of the different courses at certain universities.
The purpose of entities alumni it is to promote activities to help the higher education institution, as a way of acknowledging all the training they received while they were students at that university.
See also: meaning of alma mater.