Meaning of Humble (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Humble is an adjective given to a person when he is has no appearance of vanity, being able to know their own limitations.

A humble person is a modest, simple person who expresses or reflects feelings of deference or submission. She can also be an unambitious, unpretentious person.

Example: "Romeo is a very humble person. This can be seen in his way of acting ".

According to Christian doctrine, humility as a characteristic of an individual is conscience based on the knowledge of itself, of its own nothingness before God, after the example of Christ (Philippians 2:2-8). It is the opposite of pride and excludes presumption, but it does not exclude the recognition of the gifts received from God.

A humble person (word which in English is translated as humble) can also be classified in this way for not having wealth or for being socially and economically disadvantaged. The term can often be used pejoratively to indicate that something has few financial resources.

Example: "Flávia lives in a very humble house, but very welcoming".

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However, humility can be a character trait of a person, which means that even a millionaire person can be humble. The opposite of humility is arrogance.

Humble is a word originating in Latin humilis, which means “that remains on the ground, that does not rise”, which once again explains the meaning of the word.

See also the meaning of Humility.

Synonyms for humble

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