Use of S and Z

The use of the letters S and Z can raise a number of questions. This is mainly because there are words that are written with an S but have a Z sound.

To help you with this, Toda Matéria has the rules for you, followed by examples and exercises. Let's start?

When to use S

1. In words derived from another that is written with S.


  • wing - wing
  • delay - delay
  • phrase - phrase
  • standstill - standstill
  • heavy - weight

2. In words whose suffixes indicate nationality, origin or title (-are you, -this), adjective (-ensemble, -bone, -ow) or female occupation (-isa).


  • portuguese, portuguese
  • peasant, peasant
  • fussy - fussy
  • duchess
  • poetess

3. After diphthong.


  • thing
  • pheasant
  • cornstarch
  • Neusa
  • rest

4. In words that result from the conjugation of the verbs to put and to want.


  • I put.
  • If I did.
  • When I want.
  • They wanted.
  • If I wanted.

Read too Spelling: what is it, spelling rules and exercises.

When to use Z

1. In words derived from another that is written with Z.


  • slide - slide
  • rooted - root
  • enjoy - enjoy
  • achievement - perform
  • neighborhood - neighbor

2. In words whose suffixes -ez, -hey form abstract nouns from adjectives.


  • good sense
  • shyness
  • toughness
  • greatness
  • easy

3. In words whose suffix -go form verbs.


  • update
  • channel
  • save money
  • eternalize
  • symbolize

4. In words whose suffix -location form nouns.


  • update
  • colonization
  • modernization
  • Realization
  • use


1. (Fuvest-SP)

a) Form feminine nouns from the words below, using conveniently s or z:

clean defend baron deaf customer
  • clean: abstract noun formed from the adjective "clean", hence the suffix -hey is spelled with Z.
  • defense: abstract noun formed from the verb "defender" (different from "cleansing").
  • baroness: the suffix -this indicates title, so it is written with S.
  • deafness: abstract noun formed from the adjective "deaf", hence the suffix -ez is spelled with Z.
  • freguesa: derives from the word "freguesia", which is written with an S.

b) Form verbs from:

analyze synthesis paralysis civil smooth
  • analysis - analyze: when the suffix -go verb form, we write with Z.
  • synthesis - synthesize: when the suffix -go verb form, we write with Z.
  • paralysis - paralyze: when the suffix is ​​added -air in verbs, they must be written with S.
  • civil - civilize: when the suffix -go verb form, we write with Z.
  • smooth - smooth: when adding the suffix -air in verbs, they must be written with S.

2. (Badesc/Fepese) Tick the alternative where all gaps are filled with s:

a) poor, chinese*, perform
b) princess, mount*, civilize
c) attracted, cut*, analyze
d) smooth, French*, save

Alternative c: late, courteous, analyze.


  • delayed - word derived from "delay", which is spelled with S.
  • courteous - word derived from "courtesy", which is spelled with an S.
  • analyze - when adding the suffix -ar to verbs, they must be written with S. But when the suffix -izar is added to verbs, they must be written with Z.

As for the other alternatives:

a) poverty, Chinese, perform
b) princess, mountain, civilize
d) smoothed, French, save

3. (Unimep-SP) Check the alternative that contains the period whose words are correctly spelled:

a) He wanted to analyze the research I carried out.
b) He wanted to analyze the research I carried out.
c) He wanted to analyze the research I carried out.
d) He wanted to analyze the research I carried out.
e) He wanted to analyze the research I carried out.

Alternative c: He wanted to analyze the research I carried out.

  • quis - we write with S words that result from the conjugation of the verb to want.
  • analyze - when adding the suffix -ar to verbs, they must be written with S.
  • search - the etymology of the word is written with an S. Thus, "research" and words derived from it are also spelled with an S, such as: researcher, researched.

Keep testing your knowledge on Spelling Exercises.

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