Popular Meanings (223)

Definition of STD

STD stands for "Sexually Transmitted Disease". Sexually Transmitted Diseases are infectious diseases transmitted mainly through unprotected sexual contact, and can also be...

Definition of PVT

PVT is the acronym for the English word private, which means “private”, in Portuguese. Popularly, the PVT is used to refer to various aspects in which a given situation...

Meaning of Anointing of the Sick

Anointing of the sick is a Christian rite that consists of anointing the sick with holy oil. In the Catholic Church, the ritual is also called “Holy Unction” or “Last Sacrament”. The anointing...

Definition of Urbi et Orbi

Urbi et Orbi means "to the city of Rome and to the world" in Portuguese, and is a Latin term. Urbi et Orbi was the opening of Roman pronouncements and today is what the blessing of...

meaning of DIY

DIY is the acronym for the English expression Do It Yourself, which means “Do It Yourself”, in Portuguese. DIY can be considered a “philosophy of life”, where your...

meaning of judo

Judo is a style of sports martial art of Japanese origin. As a self-defense technique, judo is intended not only for the physical development of the judoka (judo practitioner), but also for his...

Definition of Ad hominem

Ad hominem or Argumentum ad hominem is a type of fallacy that is characterized when a person responds to an argument with negative criticism of its author and not the content presented. A fallacy...

meaning of simulacrum

Simulacrum is the imitation done on something or someone, an imagery representation that misleads by transmitting a certain thing as real, being in fact false or incorrect. In the field of Philosophy, Jean...

Definition of Pharmacokinetics

Pharmacokinetics is the area of ​​health sciences that studies the path taken and the impact caused by medicines (pharmaceuticals) on the human body. The main object of study of pharmacokinetics is the...

Definition of Ombudsman

Ombudsman is a space that works as a bridge between the population and institutions. It is a service open to the citizen to listen to claims, complaints, suggestions and also praise...

Definition of WLAN

WLAN is the English acronym for Wireless Local Area Network, which in Portuguese means "Local Wireless Network". It is a local network that uses radio waves to transmit data and to connect to the Internet, without...

meaning of cosmology

Cosmology is the branch of astronomy that focuses on studying the origin, evolution, composition and structure of the Universe. The goal is to try to understand scientific and philosophical issues of beings...

meaning of neurons

Neurons are the cells that make up the nervous system, responsible for conducting, receiving and transmit nerve impulses through the body, making it respond to stimuli from the through, through...

Definition of Ergometry

Ergometry is the study of the performance of human effort during the use of machines, equipment and devices. The word "ergometry" comes from the Greek, where ergon = work and metrics = measurement technique...

meaning of practice

Praxe means routine, an established and frequent procedure, what is usually practiced. Praxe is a feminine noun that indicates what is customary, what is done in the usual way,...

Popular Meanings (301)

Meaning of the Flag of PortugalThe flag of Portugal is one of the national symbols of the Portugu...

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Latest Meanings (299)

Definition of YoutubeYouTube is a website for sharing videos uploaded by users over the internet....

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Latest Meanings (300)

Definition of LaborLabor means work, task, toil. It is a word originating from the Latin "labore"...

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