Meaning of Indignation (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Indignation is a feminine noun in Portuguese related to the action or effect of get angry, that is, feel anger, contempt and frustration for something considered offensive, unfair or incorrect.

The feeling of indignation is expressed as a human manifestation of discontent, through words or attitudes, varying in intensity according to the individual's level of indignation. This feeling can be associated with extreme emotions of anger, fury or anger.

Indignation arises as a spontaneous reaction to the presence of an act of injustice, offense or revolt, practiced directly against a person or felt by empathy for someone who has undergone a considered treatment incorrect.

Even though it is a spontaneous human feeling, indignation can manifest itself in a rational way, with reason and order, through messages of indignation, whether in letters of repudiation or complaints of order official.

Example: "The player demonstrated his indignation for the article published in the newspaper through a retraction request".

One indignation movement is when a group of people come together with the same feeling of dissatisfaction about something or someone, protesting and claiming against actions or effects considered morally and ethically incorrect.

Example: "Students organized a movement of indignation against acts of corruption in the Chamber of Deputies".

Synonymous with indignation

  • cholera
  • fury
  • frustration
  • hate
  • will
  • discontent
  • aversion
  • fret
  • rancor
  • infuriation
  • anger
  • irritation
  • revolt
  • angry

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