Meaning of Matter (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Matter is any substance that occupies space in space. From Latin, materia (physical substance) is anything that has mass. It's everything that has volume and can be in solid, liquid or gaseous state.

"Matter", in the figurative sense, is a subject of conversation, speech, etc. It is the content of a news or a journalistic report.

"Subjects" are the "subjects" that are part of the curriculum of educational establishments, which aim to instruct and train students.

"Organic matter" are animal remains (excrements and carcasses), and plant remains (leaves, branches and roots), which are found in decomposition in the soil, and by the action of micro-organisms, they become fertile material, the humus, used for the fertilization of plants.

"Raw material" is the basic substance for the manufacturing process of any product. Ex: In Brazil, sugarcane is the raw material used to manufacture ethanol.

René Descarte was the first philosopher to expose a dualist concept, which admitted the coexistence of two different substances, matter (the body), which occupies a place in space, and the spirit (immaterial substance), the consciousness.

See the meaning of general properties of matter.

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