Meaning of Reconcile (What it is, Concept and Definition)

reconcile is the verb that means harmonize, reassure, suit or adjust.

The word conciliar also refers to the act of come to terms with someone or create a alliance with the purpose of achieving some goal. Ex: Parents came together to protest the unorthodox methods of the teachers.

Etymologically, this word comes from the Latin concilium which indicated a group of people in a meeting.

Reconciling can also consist of finding a balance and demonstrating the ability to fulfill two different tasks. Ex: He has a lot of willpower and surprised everyone because he could combine study and work. / He was in a lot of trouble because he didn't know how to reconcile his personal and professional life.

There is the doubt of many people between reconcile and reconcile. Write consulate is wrong, since it is a word that is not part of the Portuguese language.

Conciliar project is cool

The project "Conciliar é legal" is a project in the legal field that aims to facilitate legal proceedings through an agreement between the two parties. When one of the parties involved in a legal proceeding communicates to the court that it intends to conciliation, a conciliator is appointed and a hearing is scheduled for them to reach a fair conclusion for both.

Conciliation is cheaper, faster and more effective, because everything is resolved in a single act and the parties involved do not have the expense of documents and constant travel to the court.

Many people resort to conciliation in cases of custody of children, child support, divorce, traffic accidents, etc. However, there are some cases where it is not possible to make use of this resource, specifically in cases of crimes against life or in cases of domestic violence.

church council

A council is a meeting called by religious leaders to address issues related to the Church.

The first council was known as Jerusalem council (episode described in chapter 15 of the Acts of the Apostles), which included elders and apostles such as Peter and Paul. The Jerusalem council was called because some men had moved to Antioch and were teaching that men could not receive salvation if they were not circumcised, which was not the vision of the Church. Thus, the Jerusalem Council had the participation of Paul, Peter, Barnabas, James and others to resolve this conflict.

Later, within the Catholic Church there were other councils, such as the Councils of Nicaea (the first in 325 and the second in 787), who dealt with the heresy of Arius (I) and the legitimacy of image worship (II). Two Vatican Councils were convened, the first between 1869 and 1870 (addressed the theme of pontifical infallibility) and the second between 1962 and 1965 (dealt with pastoral issues).

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