Saruê is one of the names given to the opossum ( Didelphis aurita ) in Brazil, used mainly in Bahia and other states in the Northeast. This animal belongs to the marsupial family, it is not domesticable and can...
Pointillism is a technique of drawing and painting, where the artist uses small spots and dots to form images. The technique of pointillism emerged within the scope of Impressionism - an artistic movement...
Blue light is a type of light emitted in blue color, normally used in chromotherapy sessions. In chromotherapy sessions, blue light would have the ability to relax, transmitting a...
Acquiescence is a feminine noun in the Portuguese language and means an action or effect of acquiescing, that is, agreeing, consenting or approving something. The word acquiescence can be used in contexts...
Oppressing is means exerting pressure on something or someone, with the intention of reducing. It is an indirect transitive verb that comes from the Latin term opprimere. Op is the same as the ob prefix, and means over or...
Guy (pronounced gai ) is used informally in English with the meaning of “dude”, as slang for so-and-so. For example: "He is the guy we met some days ago". (He's the guy we met a few years ago...
Sisyphus' work is a popular expression originated from Greek mythology, referring to any type of work or situation that is endless and useless. The contemporary meaning of this sentence...
Pro bono is a Latin expression that means “for good”, in Portuguese translation. The most common use of the expression pro bono is related to activities that benefit a people or...
TEV is an acronym that stands for Electronic Transfer of Values. TEVs are transfers made between different accounts of the same financial institution. DOC and TED are used...
Sururu is the popular name for a bivalve mollusk, that is, one that is surrounded by two shells, quite typical on the northeastern coast of Brazil. The sururu, scientifically named Mytella charruana, is a mollusc...
Fail means to fail, in Portuguese, it is an American expression very used, meaning that the person lost, failed, failed, made a mistake or paid a monkey. This expression began to be used in...
Reverence is the act of showing respect and humility towards something or someone that is considered sacred or important. Usually, the bow is done through a body movement,...
Claiming is the action of trying to re-acquire something that is in someone else's possession. This verb can still refer to the act of requesting something that one should have rightfully. In this sense, the verb...
Reverse logistics is an instrument of economic and social development that consists of a set of actions, procedures and methods used to enable the collection and return of waste...
Loop is a word in the English language and means “hoop”, “loop”, “circuit” or “sequence” in the Portuguese translation. Depending on the context, the loop can mean different actions...