Vulgar is a two-gender adjective that refers to what is common, banal, mediocre, or something that belongs to the people. The vulgar can be understood as what is indistinguishable from the others and which is permeated by...
Lending is a type of contract in which there is a free loan of things that cannot be replaced by another one, such as real estate. The only obligation of the recipient is to return it on time...
Imprint is a masculine noun meaning mark, seal or character. In the figurative sense, imprint can also be a synonym of nature, scope or nature, because it refers to the origin or character of...
Konichiwa (こんにちは) is a Japanese expression that can mean a greeting, such as "hi", "hello" or "good afternoon". The correct form of spelling in romanized Japanese, known as " rõmanji...
Quorum is the term given to the minimum number of people necessary for a session or deliberation to be valid. The word came up in a British court called "Justices of the quorum", where the...
Clan is a group of people united by kinship, which is defined by the existence of a common ancestor. Clan means children in Scottish Gaelic, also called clannad, which means family. O...
Fool is an adjective that refers to that individual who says or does foolishness, that is, who practices nonsense, who has no intelligence or judgment. The adjective "fool" is also used to express that something or...
Apto is a term applied to what satisfies a previously imposed requirement for the execution of a certain activity. When it applies to someone, it means they are prepared to do the job...
Fraternization is a feminine noun that means the act of fraternizing or fraternally living with other individuals. A get-together is a get-together or socialization, often...
Illicit is a noun and adjective in the Portuguese language that refers to what is not allowed under the law, ethics or morals; concerning illegality; something that is prohibited by law. Etymologically, the...
Lei Maria da Penha is the name given to a Brazilian legislation that guarantees the protection of women against any type of domestic violence, whether physical, psychological, patrimonial or moral. Law nº...
Hacker is an English word from the computer field that indicates a person who has an interest and good knowledge in this area, being able to hack (a modification) in some system...
Emphasize means highlighting, highlighting, highlighting. Emphasis is understood as the property of emphasizing a certain word, fact or theme, with the aim of drawing attention to the subject. At the...
The word papibaquigrafo has no meaning in the Portuguese language. It's a complicated word to pronounce and was created, possibly, to be a tongue twister. Tongue twisters are words or phrases...
Arcadism was a literary movement that emerged in Europe in the 18th century. The movement was characterized by the appreciation of the bucolic life, lived in the countryside and with simplicity. Arcadianism too...