Latest Meanings (113)

Definition of capital market

The capital market is a system formed by a set of institutions that distribute assets - also called securities. These assets are made available by companies that need...

Definition of Optical Illusion

An optical illusion or optical illusion involves images that are perceived by the visual system in one way and interpreted differently in the brain. While the brain can process some of the...

meaning of kernel

Kernel is an English word used in computing to designate the core of the operating system, which is the main part of a computer. A simple change from the Kernel version to an older one...

meaning of rhetorical question

A rhetorical question is an interrogation that does not aim to obtain an answer, but rather to stimulate the individual's reflection on a given subject. The person who asks a rhetorical question already knows the...

Definition of Hedonism

Hedonism is a moral doctrine in which the pursuit of pleasure is the sole purpose of life. The word hedonism comes from the Greek hedonikos, which means "pleasant", since hedon means pleasure. Like...

meaning of neoliberalism

Neoliberalism is a redefinition of classical liberalism, influenced by neoclassical economic theories and is understood as a product of classical economic liberalism. Neoliberalism can be...

Definition of Persistence of Memory

The Persistence of Memory (or La Persistencia de la Memoria) is a 1931 surrealist painting by Spanish artist Salvador Dalí. First exhibited at the Julien Levy Gallery in 1932, from 1934 to...

Definition of Autism

Autism or Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized as a behavioral syndrome that compromises development throughout life. The main changes identified are the deficit...

Meaning of Rejected

Rejected is when a request or request was not accepted, did not have an order, or did not happen what the person requested. Rejected is when something was not attended to, regardless of the reason, so...

meaning of liberalism

Liberalism is a political-economic doctrine and doctrinal system that is characterized by its attitude of openness and tolerance at various levels. According to this doctrine, the general interest requires the...

Definition of WPS

WPS is an acronym in English that stands for Wi-Fi Protected Setup. It is a security standard for wireless networks that makes it easy to connect devices to the Wi-Fi network. The advantage of WPS is its practicality, because...

7 Philosophers who defined Love in an epic way

Can love be defined or just felt? In the name of love, the greatest follies are committed, but the most beautiful and remarkable things in history are also done. See what these 7 philosophers...

Meaning of Ratify and Rectify

Ratify and rectify are paronyms (they have almost identical spelling and pronunciation, but different meanings). For this reason, they are often confused by many people. Meaning of...

Meaning of Waiver

Renunciation is a term that characterizes the act or effect of denying or rejecting something or an attitude. Usually this action is related to the fact of giving up something, giving up an object or something...

Definition of Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi means Body of Christ. It is a religious feast of the Catholic Church that aims to celebrate the mystery of the Eucharist, the sacrament of the body and blood of Jesus Christ. The Corpus Party...

Latest Meanings (162)

meaning of jusnaturalismJusnaturalism is the Natural Law, that is, all the principles, norms and ...

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Popular Meanings (164)

meaning of congruentCongruent is an adjective attributed to everything that coincides or correspo...

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Latest Meanings (163)

Meaning of RecessRecess represents the temporary suspension of the activities of a certain public...

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