Meaning of Trollar (What it is, Concept and Definition)

troll is internet slang for making fun of, pissing off, making fun. It consists of teasing the participants of a discussion on internet forums, with meaningless arguments, just to infuriate and disrupt the conversation.

Currently, the act of troll someone doesn't just happen in the virtual environment. It can also happen among friends, colleagues or family, when a game is prepared for this purpose. The games (or traps) for troll someone are varied and some very sophisticated.

What is a troll?

In this context, it is called troll, the individual who has such behavior; that manages to make someone "fall" in their frames.

The "intellectual" troll is one of the most common ones that pop up on the forums, as it uses refined vocabulary to assert itself in the group.

It is believed that the term "troll" has appeared on Usenet (network information exchange system). O troll it was the user who systematically entered the forums to provoke the participants. The jargon was even created Don't feed the trolls

(Do not feed the trolls), to instruct community participants not to heed the deliberate provocations of the trolls.

troll facethe troll face

The meme (Troll Face) created to represent a troll is quite popular on the internet. Generally, Troll Face is used in images to replace the face of the individual who managed troll somebody.

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