Chavoso is a popular slang in Brazil used to refer to a person who is considered "stylish" and "charming" by a certain group, mainly among funkeiros and communities in the periphery.
The call "key style" became known through MC Naldinho, as a reference to "ostentação funk", and the slang originates from the expression "chain key", used to represent an individual who is likely to cause confusion and attract the attention of the police.
One of the most particular characteristics of "cute kids" is the use of socks up to shin height, together with shorts and a pair of brand shoes, preferably.
In fact, due to the nature of sporting material goods and the style of playboy, the "chavoso boys" and "chavoso girls" always wear clothes and accessories that clearly show their brands, even if they are imitations.
Chavoso and Swag
Both slang basically represent the same thing: a person with looks and attitudes that impress or attract attention. People considered "trickster" or "with swag" are taken as "cool", "cool", and "cool", for example.
The difference, however, lies in the fact that the word chavoso is only used by people from a certain group, especially funkeiros, as already said. Already swag is a term that originated in the English language and is used mainly by members of the hip hop, for example.
Learn more about meaning of swag.