poser is slang of the English language whose meaning - mainly in the musical context - refers to a person with personality influenceable, with no attitude and who lets himself be impressed by the artist, band or musical style that is currently successful. O poser pretends to be a fan just to be in fashion, to join a group and follow the same trends.
In English, poser literally means "someone who poses", and is a derogatory term that describes someone who claims to be part of a certain subculture (such as punk, heavy metal or hip hop, for example). Despite this, the elements of this subculture claim that the poser it has no authenticity, because it does not understand the values or philosophy of that same subculture.
Ex: I don't know why he tries to hang with us. Everyone knows he is just a poser. - I don't know why he tries to hang out with us. Everyone knows he's a "poser".
One poser it is also characterized by following an artist or band only when they are at the peak of their success. The admiration or identification of the
poser decreases as the popularity of your “idol” decreases.In many cases, the poser has no deeper arguments about the subculture to which he belongs but pretends to be a great connoisseur of the subject.
Initially, the meaning of poser it was referring to the hard-rock bands of the 80s where some of their members were very concerned about the look, dressed very appealingly, wore makeup, women's accessories, etc. Consequently, fans of these bands who imitated their idols' way of dressing came to be called poser.