Latest Meanings (240)

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Definition of Zoology

Zoology comes from the Greek zoon meaning animal and logos meaning study. Zoology is the science that studies animals as well as the relationships between them and the environment in which they live. Zoology also studies...

Definition of Mutation

Mutation is the name given to the effect or action of changing, altering or transforming something; a metamorphosis or evolution. In the field of biology, mutation is a term that defines the phenomenon of sudden change and...

Definition of Genome

Genome is a genetic code, which contains all the hereditary information of a being, and is encoded in DNA. It is the set of all the different genes that are found in each nucleus of a given...

Definition of Cloning

Cloning is a form of asexual reproduction that aims to produce beings with identical physical and biological characteristics, perpetuating genetic characteristics. The word "cloning" comes from the Greek klon,...

Definition of Ecosystem

Ecosystem means the system where one lives, the set of physical, chemical and biological characteristics that influence the existence of an animal or plant species. It's a natural unit...

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Definition of Biodiversity

Biodiversity is the wide variety of life forms (animals and plants) that are found in different environments. The word biodiversity is formed from the union of the Greek root “bio” (which...

meaning of believer

Believer is a word originating from the Latin word credens which means that you believe. A believer is that individual who believes in something. Popularly, it is said that a person who believes in a naive way is a believer...

meaning of church

Church, from the Latin ecclesia, is a Christian temple, it is the place of preaching the teachings of Christ, obeying the principles of Christian ethics. Church is the group of believers united by the same faith and that...

Significance of Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Reformation was the Church renewal movement led by Martin Luther. It took place in the 16th century and began in Central Europe. The Protestant Reformation was responsible for creating...

Definition of Liturgy

Liturgy is the compilation of rites and ceremonies relating to the divine offices of Christian churches. It is a word that applies more to masses or rituals in the Catholic Church. The word comes from the Greek...

meaning of Christ

Christ means redeemer, messiah. From the Latin “Christu”, derived from the Greek “Khristós”, which means “anointed”, which in turn derives from the Hebrew “Mashiach” which means “Messiah”. Christ...

meaning of Jehovah

Jehovah, also called Yahweh, is the name of God in the Hebrew Bible, and is a term of origin in the Hebrew. The Jews no longer recognize the term, and even avoid using it, and currently Jehovah is...

meaning of Yahweh

Yahweh is one of the names of God in the Christian Holy Bible, just like Jehovah. Etymologically, the name Yahweh comes from the Hebrew Yahveh or Yehovah, which in the Holy Bible was translated into Latin in the form...

Definition of El Shaday

El Shaday or El Shaddai, is one of the Hebrew names for God, which means Almighty God. The designation El Shaddai is just one of the names that mentions the power of God, being more comprehensive than Elohim,...

Definition of Koinonia

Koinonia is a word of Greek origin and means “communion”. This term has become very common among Christians, being used in the sense of fellowship, participation, sharing and...

Latest Meanings (189)

meaning of excellentExcellent is an adjective that qualifies something that is very good and of g...

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Popular Meanings (190)

meaning of silhouetteSilhouette is a feminine noun that means profile, outline, or indicates a si...

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Popular Meanings (192)

ECA (Child and Adolescent Statute)The Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA) is a law (Law 8.069/1990...

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