Popular Meanings (293)

meaning of prime

Primor is a masculine noun in the Portuguese language, referring to what has superiority or perfection. Primordial may be the characteristic of a given process, considered excessively accurate,...

meaning of complementary law

The complementary law is a law created to provide more information about the functioning of rights or obligations (norms) that are defined in the Federal Constitution. Complementary Bill O...

Definition of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a holistic therapy that seeks to achieve an integrated physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance through the use of essential oils. The word "aromatherapy" comes...

Meaning of Finishing

Finishing is a neologism created by Stephen Kanitz, which according to the author is "the capacity that some people have to finish what they started or finish what others started.” Agreed with...

Definition of cyber cafe

Cyber ​​café is the term used to designate a commercial establishment whose activity is the main snack bar or bar service, which additionally offers its customers some...

Meaning of Vulgarity

Vulgarity is a characteristic or state of what is vulgar, banal, or mediocre. It can also mean the action or behavior of someone who is vulgar, that is, an individual who acts immorally or...

meaning of fjord

Fjord is a term used in geomorphology to define a huge valley formed by rocks and flooded with water, due to the melting of ice in the Ice Age. The word fjord or fjord is of Norwegian origin (...)

Meaning of CD-ROM

CD-ROM stands for Compact Disc Read-Only Memory. electronic component that stores information, in a compact format, that can only be read, but...

Definition of Cookware

Panelaço is the term adopted to represent a popular demonstration in which pots and other metal utensils are beaten in protest. A pot can also refer to the augmentative of...

Meaning of Decantation

Decantation is a process that guarantees the separation of liquid or solid substances that must not be mixed. This is one of the methods used to remove impurities from water. THE...

Definition of Reamer

Enlarger is an object used to enlarge some parts of the human body, especially ears and lips. Currently, different “urban tribes” adopt the reamers as an aesthetic adornment, which...

Definition of Ideogram

Ideogram is a graphic symbol used in the ideographic writing system, where each element can represent an object, an idea or an abstract concept. Ideograms formed the writing system of...

Definition of BMX

BMX, also called bicicross, is a race with special bicycles, which emerged in the 50's in Europe. BMX is a sport similar to motocross, only using bicycles, already adapted to do...

Definition of Abiogenesis

Abiogenesis is a theory that sought to explain the emergence of life on Earth. He sought to unravel the hypotheses about living organisms and defended the idea that the emergence would have happened from...

Definition of Running Sheet

Folha Race is the same as a criminal record certificate, a document issued by the police and proving the absence of criminal records of a particular individual. The so-called leaflet...

Popular Meanings (295)

meaning of alephAleph is the name given to the first letter of the alphabet of the Semitic langua...

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Latest Meanings (294)

Definition of TrusteeTrustee is a legal term used to designate an individual to whom the court tr...

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Latest Meanings (295)

Definition of IlmoHon. is an abbreviation of the treatment pronoun “Ilustríssimo” used in officia...

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