Popular Meanings (294)

Definition of Net Modernity

It is the term coined by the Polish philosopher Zygmunt Bauman to define today's society. It analyzes and defines the fast and fluid relationships and behaviors of the contemporary world, impacted by...

meaning of money

Money is a kind of instrument used in the form of coins and notes, used in carrying out commercial exchanges in society. Money then serves as a monetary instrument used to...

Definition of Industrial Effluents

Industrial effluents are liquid and gaseous waste from industrial activities, which released into the environment without proper treatment have generated harmful effects for the entire biodiversity...

Definition of Moisture

Humidity is related to the amount of water vapor present in a given space, that is, when there is water in the form of vapor in the air. It can also refer to the quality of what is wet or slightly...

Definition of Tapera

Tapera is a word of indigenous origin that means "old house" or "abandoned village". Etymologically, the word "tapera" arose from the Tupi-Guarani taba uêra, where taba means "village"; and what do you want...

Definition of Minotaur

Minotaur is a mystical creature that belongs to Greek mythology, represented by the figure of a man with the head of a bull and who lived trapped in a labyrinth on the island of Crete, Greece. According to the...

Definition of Ibidem

Ibidem is the way to reference a work already mentioned before on that page of the text. It is a term in Latin that means in the same place, and it is used as a bibliographical reference in Brazil, along with others...

Definition of Silting

Silting is the accumulation of sediments (sand, rubble and garbage, for example) in the beds of lakes, rivers and other watercourses, a phenomenon caused naturally or by human influence. Even though...

6 consequences of globalization in the world

Globalization has far-reaching effects on our lifestyles. This drives us to faster access to technology, better communication and innovation. Also, it plays a role...

Definition of Quiproquó

Quiproquó is the name given to a situation where a certain mistake is generated by mistake. The quip is defined when someone confuses an object or situation for its total opposite, through a...

meaning of yakuza

Yakuza is a famous and traditional Japanese mafia, known internationally for its violent crimes and its strict code of posture and honor. The word Yakuza (Ya-Ku-Za) represents the sequence...

meaning of nonsense

Absurd is an adjective in Portuguese that refers to what is devoid of reason, purpose or wisdom. The word “absurd” can be used in different contexts, assuming meanings and...

Definition of ipsis verbis and ipsis litteris

Ipsis verbis and ipsis litteris are Latin expressions meaning “by the same words” and “by the same letters”, respectively. Both expressions - ipsis verbis and ipsis litteris -...

Definition of RLP Accounting

In Accounting, RLP stands for Long Term Receivables, a Balance Sheet account. Balance sheet is a demonstration of the company's economic, financial and equity position in a...

meaning of yuppies

Yuppies is an English expression that means "Young Urban Professional", that is, Young Urban Professional. It is a term used to refer to young professionals between 20 and 40 years old,...

Portuguese language (30)

Definition of HyperboleHyperbole is a figure of speech, classified as a figure of thought, which ...

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Portuguese language (31)

Meaning of PejorativePejorative is an adjective that describes a word or idea that has an unpleas...

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Portuguese language (32)

Meaning of BroughtTrouxe is a conjugation of the verb to bring in the past perfect tense. It mean...

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