Meaning of Family (What it is, Concept and Definition)

It is called family O group of people who have a degree of kinship or affective ties and live in the same house making a home.

A traditional family is usually formed by the father and mother, united by marriage, and by one or more children, making up a nuclear or elementary family. In the Brazilian Constitution, the family is comprehensive, as it considers various forms of organization based on affective relationships and coexistence.

The family is considered an institution responsible for promoting the education and care of children, as well as responsible for influencing their behavior in the social environment.

The role of the family is related to socialization. In this process, moral and social values ​​are transmitted, as well as traditions, customs and knowledge perpetuated through generations.

By law, the family environment is expected to be a place of affection, care, safety, comfort and well-being, providing respect for the dignity of each of its members.

In Biology, the family is a category of systematic classification positioned between gender and order.

Types of Family

nuclear family and extended family

Among family members, it is possible to identify two degrees of proximity: the nuclear family and the extended family. The nuclear family is usually made up of parents and siblings, while the extended family is made up of grandparents, uncles, cousins, etc.

However, this concept is flexible, as grandparents (or other relatives) can often live in the same house, being considered as a nuclear family.

In other cases, one or both parents may not be present for some reason and are not part of the nuclear family.

In addition to the traditional family structure called nuclear or elementary, social and cultural transformations have provided for the existence of different family structures.

matrimonial family

The matrimonial family is considered to be the one defined by the formalization of the marriage (civil or religious). In this case, the couple may or may not have children (biological or adoptive).

informal family

The informal family has the same configuration and the same legal protection as the matrimonial family, however, it is based on the couple's stable, unofficial union.

single parent family

A single parent family is a family composed of only one parent: father or mother. Regardless of the reasons that lead to this formation: death, abandonment, divorce or voluntary decision.

anaparental family

The term anaparental refers to the absence of parents. In these cases, in general, the siblings live in the same home without the presence of their parents.

By law, the same denomination and values ​​are used in cases of the composition of a home based only on relationships of affection and friendship between members, without kinship ties.

reconstituted family

A reconstituted family is formed by a new marriage, when at least one of the spouses has a child from a previous relationship.

one-person family

The one-person family is made up of only one person who lives alone because of widowhood, divorce or because no other family configuration has been established. This type of training has a legal value, with a view to protecting assets and inheritances.

Other family concepts are:

Real family: constituted by the sovereign (a king or queen) and all his descendants. Members of a royal family are important figures and enjoy certain privileges in the nation they represent.

Holy Family: constituted by the Christian triad represented in the Holy Bible by Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

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