Skull Meaning (What It Means, Concept and Definition)

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Skull is the name given to the set of skull and face bones and it can symbolize many things, which vary according to context.

The skull is often related to death, and so it is a symbol often used to indicate negative or harmful things, such as toxic substances or life-threatening situations. Its symbology refers to the change or transformation in someone's life, as the beginning of a new stage or cycle.

The skull, or knife in the skull, is the symbol of the BOPE (Special Police Operations Brigade). In this case, the knife represents the bold character of the individual who fulfills the mission and the skull symbolizes not only death, but also knowledge and intelligence. The knife in the skull indicates the human being's ability to excel.

In ancient times, some warrior tribes collected the skulls of their enemies and displayed them as trophy, also to intimidate other opponents.

The skull and crossbones depiction were also very popular in the pirate flags, who were also known as the Jolly Rogers. Different ships had different versions of the flag, but the skull was essential to instill fear in other ships and reveal the pirates' aggressive intent.

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Many people have doubts about the correct way to write this word, more specifically between skull or skull. Although the pronunciation of the word is often more similar to "cavera" (with the mute "i"), the correct form is skull and not cavera.

In English, the translation of the word skull is skull.

The skull tattoo is also quite popular, which can have many meanings depending on the type of skull. In many cases, the skull tattoo is a reminder that life is ephemeral and that we should enjoy every moment.

Mexican skull

The Mexican skull is a very popular and central element in the celebration of the Day of the Dead, which takes place from October 31st to November 2nd. According to Mexican tradition, during the feast of the dead, relatives who have already died return to visit their families.

Thus, in this case the skull is not only a representation of death, but is also used as a way to pay homage to loved ones who have already died. The Mexican skull is also used as a representation that death is part of life, and for that reason we should not be afraid of it, but accept it.

Also popular are Mexican skull tattoos, which are very colorful and not as dark as traditional skull tattoos.

Learn more about meaning of the mexican skull.

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