Latest Meanings (336)

meaning of kaput

Kaput is a slang meaning "broken", "ruined", "destroyed". It is a word derived from the German "kaputt" which means "broken", "damaged". Indicates that something is "detonated", "ruined". Per...

Definition of HR

The acronym HR stands for Human Resources. Within a company, HR is the department that is responsible for selection, hiring, training, compensation, education on health and safety in the...

Meaning of Staff

Staff is an English term meaning "staff" in the sense of staff or employees. The term is used to designate people who belong to the working group of a particular organization...

meaning of player

Player is an English word that means “player” or “player” in Portuguese. It derives from the verb “to play” which means “to play”, “to play”, “to play”, “to have fun” and to be employed...

meaning of the

The is the definite article of the English language which means “the”, “the”, “the”, “as”. To define a noun of any gender or number, just use a single article. For example: the man...

meaning of layman

Layman means an individual with little or no knowledge of a particular subject, for example, "a computer layman". The meaning comes from the religious milieu when referring to the member who does not...

meaning of RGB

RGB is the acronym for the additive color system formed by the initials of the colors in English Red, Green and Blue, which in Portuguese means, respectively, Red, Green and Blue. The RGB luminous color system...

meaning of bad omen

Bad omen means bad feeling or bad sign. It's having the intuition that something bad is going to happen. Any sign or indication that announces possible bad luck in the future is classified as bad omen...

Definition of Ufology

Ufology (or ufology) is the study of all hypotheses, evidence or visual records of UFOs. UFO is the acronym for Unknown Flying Objects which means Unknown Flying Objects. It's the same as UFO...

meaning of gaia

In Greek mythology, Gaia is the name of the Earth goddess, companion of Uranus (Sky) and mother of the Titans (giants). Gaia is the personification of planet Earth, represented as a gigantic and powerful woman...

Definition of Monetization

Monetization means using something as a source of profit. The term is derived from the verb monetize which designates the act of turning something into money. Basically anything (object, information,...

meaning of reward

Reward means reward for relevant services that have been rendered. It's kind of a prize; a distinction for doing some work. The award received can be represented by a...

meaning of odin

In Norse mythology, Odin means god or chief. He is the supreme head of the kingdom of Asgard, where the Norse gods dwell. Odin is considered the god of wisdom, magic, poetry and war. É...

meaning of SUV

SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle) which means “sports utility vehicle”. It is a type of car with characteristics of passenger vehicles and off-road vehicles...

Definition of MP3

MP3 is short for MPEG Layer 3, a digital audio compression format that minimizes quality loss in songs or other audio files played on your computer or device...

Popular Meanings (311)

Definition of XavanteXavante is an indigenous people who live in areas distributed within the sta...

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Popular Meanings (312)

Definition of InboxInbox is an English word that means “inside the box”. The term has become quit...

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Latest Meanings (309)

Definition of EroticismEroticism is a masculine noun that expresses the character or tendency of ...

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