Dystopia is a medical word that characterizes the abnormal location of an organ. The term is of Greek origin, formed by " dys " which means " bad, bad" and by the radical " topos " which...
Optional point is the decree carried out by governments which consists in dispensing with the obligation to operate their bodies on days of certain commemorative dates. Usually this decree is...
Hon. is an abbreviation of the treatment pronoun “Ilustríssimo” used in official communications. After the year 1991, its use was dispensed with considering the form of treatment to be sufficient...
Hang loose is an English expression and a body sign (made with the hands), used in a informal conversation to say that "it's ok", "everything is calm", "everything in peace" or that "the situation it is under...
Release is an English word that when used as a noun means release or release. It can also be the abbreviated way of referring to press release, an instrument of communication. Despite...
Anamnesis consists of the history of all symptoms narrated by the patient about a specific clinical case. It can also be considered an incomplete memory or the reminiscence of a memory...
The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church is a church founded by according to the teachings of Jesus Christ and which has the apostle Peter as a prominent figure, because was...
Spiritism, Kardecism or Kardecist Spiritism is a religious doctrine of philosophical and scientific, whose main belief revolves around the constant spiritual evolution of the human being, through...
Vulnerability is the characteristic of who or what is vulnerable, that is, fragile, delicate and weak. Vulnerability is a particularity that indicates a state of weakness, which can refer both to...
Wordy is an adjective that means too long, long, or long. It is used when someone speaks or writes at length, with excessive use of words. The antonym of verbose is concise or laconic,...
CVV (or CVV2) stands for "Card Verification Value" which literally means "Card Verification Value". It is an acronym used by the Visa credit card company to designate the code...
Shabbat Shalom or Shabbat Shalom is a Hebrew expression used by Jews as a greeting during Shabbat (the 7th day of the week, corresponding to Saturday). Literally, Shabbat Shalom means...
CFOP is the acronym for the Tax Code for Operations and Provisions, for entry and exit of goods, intercity and interstate. It is a numerical code that identifies the nature of circulation...
Cynicism, a word originating from the Greek term kynismós, is a system and philosophical doctrine of the Cynics. In a figurative sense, cynicism has a pejorative connotation, as it designates a sharp and biting man...
Hype is the exaggeration of something, or in marketing a strategy to emphasize something, an idea or a product. It's a topic that's been getting talked about, it's something that's in fashion and that is talked about all over...