The Judiciary Power is one of the three powers of the State to which the judicial function is attributed, that is, the administration of Justice in society, through compliance with judicial norms and laws and...
Public administration is a concept in the area of law that describes the set of agents, services and bodies instituted by the State with the objective of managing certain areas of a society,...
Rhetorical figures, also known as figures of speech, are linguistic resources that help to create figurative and expressive meaning in the transmitted message. The rhetorical figures are usually...
Comparison is a figure of speech in the Portuguese language, which consists of the idea of relating two different terms in the same sentence, in order to reinforce or emphasize the message to be...
Metaphor and comparison are two of the best-known figures of speech. Within the category of speech pictures, they represent pictures of words. Metaphor is a figure of speech that indicates...
Continued crime is criminal conduct characterized by the commission of two or more crimes. It happens when crimes are related and are part of the same intention to commit a crime. Why if...
Pansexual is the individual who appreciates and is attracted to people of all types of genders or sexual orientations. Pansexuals are not limited to the male or female gender or a certain...
Phytoplankton is a collection of microscopic algae that have plant-like structures. That's exactly why they get their name: the term fito, in Greek, means plant. It's a kind of...
Solute and solvent are the parts that make up a solution. A solution can be defined as the homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. So, in a solution, the substance that dissolves is the...
Free software is an expression used to designate any computer program that can be executed, copied, modified and redistributed by users free of charge. Users have free...
Folk legends are a collection of stories and folk tales that have been passed down from generation to generation through orality. Legends have been present in the collective imagination for centuries and...
Intranet is a network of computers with exclusive access to a company or corporation. The intranet is used by companies to store information and is an important vehicle for communication between...
Historiography is the study of how history is written and how our understanding of history changes over time. This study considers the approaches used by historians and seeks to understand how and why...
The coat of arms, also called the coat of arms, is a design created to identify families, individuals, corporations, cities and countries. The coats of arms usually have as a central element a shield, weapon...
The flag of Spain is the ultimate symbol of the integrity of this country united under the royal crown. Also known as Rojigualda by the Spaniards, the flag of Spain is bicolor, formed by three bands...