Meaning of Assertiveness (What it is, Concept and Definition)

assertiveness is a feminine noun that expresses the quality of assertiveness, affirmative or positive.

The word assertiveness derives from "assertion", which means a decisive proposition. A person who demonstrates assertiveness is self-confident who has no difficulty expressing his opinion.

Assertiveness is an emotional competence that determines that an individual is able to take a clear position, that is, he is not "on the fence". An assertive person asserts his self and self-esteem, demonstrates security and knows what he wants and what goal he wants to achieve.

Usually assertiveness is related to positive thinking and proactivity, someone who takes charge of your life.

Assertiveness does not mean that a person is right or wrong, but it does indicate that the person announces and defends their ideas with vigor and respect for the listener

Assertiveness in communication

In the context of communication, assertiveness is a strategy that reveals maturity and high self-esteem, where a person defends their convictions without offending or submitting to other people.

Those who communicate assertively communicate clearly, objectively, transparently and honestly. Not all people can communicate assertively, because it is a right and not an obligation. This way of communicating has several advantages, including:

  • improves expression capacity and social image;
  • fosters respect for other people;
  • helps resolve confrontations;
  • improves negotiation skills;
  • increases self-confidence;
  • gives more credibility;
  • lessens stress.

Assertiveness and Psychology

According to psychology, behaviors can be divided into 4 categories: passive, aggressive, passive/aggressive and assertive.

Regarding social interaction, the assertive type of behavior is the one that is healthier, as it is beneficial to all people who interact, as it is safe, respectful behavior that demonstrates the ability to listen to criticism and not use these criticisms to criticize the other in a way personal.

It is important to mention that a person does not always demonstrate only one type of behavior, and may have different behaviors in different situations and contexts.

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