Meaning of Várzea (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Várzea is a feminine noun used to designate a plain or flat terrain, in a valley extensive and cultivated. In Brazil, the floodplains are known to be arable land along rivers and streams.

Existing mainly in the Amazon region, the floodplains are known to be constituted by areas with vegetation and terrain that always suffer from floods or flooding during the big season. rains.

The word floodplain can have a pejorative connotation, being related to mess, disorder and confusion. This negative image was created because of the state how floodplain land is during floods: full of garbage and debris brought in with water from rivers.

Some people still associate the floodplains with the "swamps", a muddy place inhabited by venomous animals.

There are two main cities in Brazil that have the nomenclature "várzea": Varzea Grande and Várzea Paulista.

Varzea Grande it is the second largest municipality in the state of Mato Grosso, in the Center-West region of Brazil, bordering the Cuiabá River.

The city is located about 100 meters from the Cuiabá River, which is why it was named with this name, because during the floods, large floodplains were formed in the area. The Guaná Indians, according to the city's etymological history, were the first inhabitants of this region and responsible for its baptism.

In the Southeast region of the country, in the state of São Paulo, is located the city of Várzea Paulista. The municipality is close to the Jundiaí River, belonging to the Jundiaí Urban Agglomeration.

See also the meanings of floodplain soccer.

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