Latest Meanings (251)

Definition of Alibi

Alibi is a masculine noun in Portuguese, relating to evidence or testimony that aims to justify, defend and prove someone's innocence, freeing them from guilt. In a context...

Definition of Overdose

Overdose means an overdose or overdose, an excessive amount or overexposure to something, such as chemicals. In a figurative sense, an overdose can also refer to an exposure...

Definition of Cycle Defrost

Cycle Defrost (in Portuguese means "defrost cycle") is the technical name of the freezer defrost system (freezer), which only needs to be done twice a year. It's a different system from...

Definition of Indignation

Indignation is a feminine noun in Portuguese related to the action or effect of becoming indignant, that is, feeling anger, contempt and frustration for something considered offensive, unfair or incorrect. O...

Definition of Commander

Commander is the name given to an individual who receives an honorary decoration of a military, political or ecclesiastical order; someone who is bestowed with a commendation, that is, a benefit. Currently, the...

Definition of unlawful

Illicit is a noun and adjective in the Portuguese language that refers to what is not allowed under the law, ethics or morals; concerning illegality; something that is prohibited by law. Etymologically, the...

Definition of Crab Mouth

Boca de siri is a popular expression used in the Portuguese language when someone commits to keeping a certain subject a secret, closing their mouths and not telling anyone. When one...

Definition of Allopathy

Allopathy is a therapeutic system that aims to treat pathologies by means contrary to them, through medications with specific action on symptoms. It's called traditional medicine. The word...

Refund Definition

Reimbursement is a term that means the act of taking back money that has been borrowed or that was spent on a service or product that was not properly used or offered. When an individual or...

Definition of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a treatment method that consists of administering minimal doses of medicine to the patient to avoid intoxication and stimulate an organic reaction. It was created in 1796 by the doctor...

meaning of others' shame

Shame on the part of a person is a locution in Portuguese that defines the feeling of shame a person feels when witnessing something that another individual has said or done; the act of feeling ashamed for others. THE...

Definition of Inheritance

Inheritance is the name given to the right or condition to inherit, gain, obtain or conquer something through succession; that is, transmitted from someone to someone. Etymologically, the word inheritance emerged...

meaning of godmother

Godmother is the name given to the figure of a female individual who is committed to taking care of and protecting something or someone, based on the ritual of sponsorship. The relationship between godmother and godson (name...

meaning of lie

A lie is the assertion of something known or suspected to be false; not telling the truth or denying knowledge about something that is true. A lie is the act of lying, deceiving, deceiving or...

meaning of boy

Guri is a term adopted in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul as a synonym for "boy", "toddler", "child" or "boy". The term "boy", as well as several other words, are part of the dialect of...

Latest Meanings (294)

Definition of TrusteeTrustee is a legal term used to designate an individual to whom the court tr...

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Latest Meanings (295)

Definition of IlmoHon. is an abbreviation of the treatment pronoun “Ilustríssimo” used in officia...

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Popular Meanings (299)

Meaning of IconoclasmIconoclasm was the movement to contest the use and veneration of religious i...

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