Latest Meanings (250)

Definition of Goodwill

Goodwill is the term used to name the extra amount that is charged on a certain commodity or financial transaction, also known as interest or profit, depending on the situation in which it is employee...

Definition of Momentum

Impeto is a masculine noun in the Portuguese language, and it can mean a momentary and unexpected action, a violent and sudden movement, made by impulse. Etymologically, the term impetus if...

Definition of Synovitis and Tenosynovitis

Synovitis is an inflammation of the synovial membrane of a joint, while tenosynovitis is an inflammatory or infectious process of the sheath that overlies the tendon (tendon sheath). The membrane...

meaning of protest

Protest is a form of democratic demonstration, public or reserved, which demonstrates discontent with something. People who protest against something usually don't agree...

Definition of Doping

Doping is the use of drugs or specific methods aimed at increasing an athlete's performance during competition. The word "doping" is of English origin, used in turf, it means injection...

meaning of universe

The Universe, according to astronomy, is the space and time in which all the stars are inserted, including the Earth, the Sun, other planets, stars and so on. The concept of Universe, however, is...

Definition of Avid

Ávido is an adjective in the Portuguese language, referring to what is desired with great intensity, that is, an extremely strong will to conquer, win or do something. Etymologically, the word "greedy"...

Meaning of Obses

Óbice is a masculine noun in Portuguese and refers to what prevents, blocks or hinders a certain action or situation. Etymologically, the word "obesity" originated from...

meaning of Maori

Maori is the name given to the native people of New Zealand. The term in the Maori language means “natural” or “normal”. The Maori are believed to have come from remote Polynesian islands and arrived in New...

meaning of apex

Apex is a masculine noun in the Portuguese language that refers to the highest point of a place, that is, the summit or apex of a region. In a figurative sense, the apex can still mean the degree...

Definition of Virulence

Virulence is the ability of a biological agent to produce serious or fatal effects. It is related to its ability to multiply in the infected organism, production of toxins, among...

meaning of glamorous

Glamorous is a colloquial term for the beautiful woman; charming; that draws attention and is a word often used in Brazilian funk songs. Glamorous is a word of French origin,...

Meaning of Eight or Eighty

Eighty or eighty is a popular expression in the Portuguese language, used to define something extreme, that is, everything or nothing. It is usually associated with the personality or behavior of some...

Meaning of Sortilege

Sortilegio is a noun in Portuguese that refers to the act or action of bewitching, enchanting or seducing, through natural or artificial attributes. Etymologically, the term "sortilege" if...

Meaning of The good child the house makes

The good child at home is a popular saying used to express the act of going back to doing something that you were used to doing, or visiting and being in a place that is already usual. One of the main questions about...

Popular Meanings (236)

Definition of EffectiveEffective is an adjective that qualifies something or someone as capable, ...

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Latest Meanings (235)

meaning of okidokiOkidoki is an English expression used to express approval or agreement, equival...

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Latest Meanings (237)

meaning of popPop is an abbreviation of the word "popular", which is used in both English and Por...

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