Early is the name given to something that is born, develops or happens before the expected time; referring to what arises or occurs in advance, outside the usual period. Etymologically, the term...
Insidious is an adjective in the Portuguese language that defines something or someone who is treacherous, sneaky, deceptive or false. Etymologically, the word "insidious" came from the Latin insidiosus, which is...
Correspondent is a two-gender adjective that is related to the correspondence between two things or people, that is, what is proportional or appropriate to something or someone. Example: "The journey of...
Je ne sais quoi is a French expression that literally means "I don't know what" in the Portuguese language. Even though it is a French expression, "je ne sais quoi" is used almost everywhere...
Praise is the act of praising and glorifying something or something; extol the action of someone or a deity. The use of the word "praise" can be used in sentences that represent situations of glory or...
Córrego is the name given to a small passage of running water, also called "water body" or "water conduit", and which is smaller in size than a stream. The streams are of extreme...
Tapera is a word of indigenous origin that means "old house" or "abandoned village". Etymologically, the word "tapera" arose from the Tupi-Guarani taba uêra, where taba means "village"; and what do you want...
Watercolor is a type of painting made with paints that are diluted with water. It is a technique made with watery paints and without overlapping one another, and can be used for painting in several...
Frevo is a style of dance and musical rhythm typical of the popular carnival of Pernambuco. In 2012, frevo won the title of Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO - United Nations...
Submission is the act or action of submitting to something or something; let passively dominate; a form of subordination, allegiance or servitude. Submission is based on the condition of obeying orders...
Jacaranda is the name given to the genus of a group of trees that constitute the family of Bignoniaceae, and whose wood is used mainly for the manufacture of furniture. Etymologically, the...
Aromatherapy is a holistic therapy that seeks to achieve an integrated physical, mental, emotional and spiritual balance through the use of essential oils. The word "aromatherapy" comes...
Dama is the generic name given to a woman of good manners, well educated, noble and distinguished. The word "lady", as a form of address", is also used to call in a considerate, respectful and...
Official is an adjective that designates everything that is proposed, declared or ordered by a recognized authority; everything that is relative or emanates from the Government. Official may still be related to "...
Expectation is the state or quality of expecting something or something that is feasible or likely to happen; a great desire or eagerness to receive news or witness an event that is...