Meaning of Stuffing Sausage (What it is, Concept and Definition)

"Fill sausage" is a popular expression that means roll up, fill an empty space with deception, that is, with irrelevant information and of no interest.

The expression can be used in various everyday occasions, such as in an academic test, in a conversation or in all situations in which the content of the information is repetitive, and that does not help to add a new understanding of the subject discussed.

Generally, the expression is used when someone keeps extending a subject with details or unimportant questions.

Popularly, an individual who “fills sausage” can also be recognized as a guy who arranges any uninteresting subject to impress someone or "kill time", usually men trying to impress women.

"Filling sausage" is also used in the academic world, a very common expression among students trying to earn points in a test or exam with non-objective answers, scrolling about the content just to appear that they wrote more lines or pages.

expression source

In the past, only the richest and noblest people were able to eat fresh, good quality meat. The rest of the population had to make do with the remains.

To enjoy all the “no interest” meat, people began to fill the pig's guts with meat and fats of low origin.

From this custom, the expression “filling sausage” emerged, referring to the idea of ​​“filling a content with things without quality, without importance or interest”.

Learn about the meaning of other popular expressions such as "elephant memory" and "ostrich stomach".

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