Meaning of Guri (What it is, Concept and Definition)

boy is a term adopted in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul synonymous with "boy", "toddler", "child" or "boy".

The term "boy", as well as several other words, are part of the dialect of gaucho, an individual from the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and part of Paraná, in southern Brazil.

Etymologically, according to the Dictionary of Brazilian Words of Indigenous Origin, "guri" comes from the Tupi-Guarani "guirii, which means "tender", "soft" or "peaceful". Other sources claim that the term "boy" originated from Tupi gwi'ri, which means "puppy of catfish", in Portuguese translation.

Even though it was originally a gaucho term, the term "boy" as a synonym for "boy" is also used in other Brazilian regions, due to miscegenation between the various cultures existing within from the country.

In other Brazilian regions, such as the state of Paraná, for example, the word "boy" is replaced by the expression "sink", which originates from the Tupi-Guarani sink, and means "fruit of our bowels".

The female of the boy is girl, used as a synonym for "girl" or "girl".

Guri is also the name given to a city in the interior of South Korea, in Gyeonggi province.

Guri Project

O "Guri Project" is the name of a musical project for children and adolescents with an initiative of the Government of the State of São Paulo. Projeto Guri was created in 1995 and has already benefited more than 500 thousand young people.

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